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Covertainer system provides more reliable and effective cargo transportation opportunity.
Covertainer is a transportation system that does not harm the nature. It eliminates the need for tank washing. hence avoids water discharge into the sea and detergent usage during tank washing.
It is the most effective method in reducing the amount of carbon emission during bulk-cargo transport by eliminating tank washing which uses petroleum based energy source.
Covertainer has a special structure that it prevents cargo leakage to the sea even after ship accidents by containing cargo intact in the Covertainer.
Category | Chemical Tanker Washing | Covertainer |
Cost | 120k USD ❌ | 80k USD ✅ |
Consumed Time | 4 Days ❌ | None ✅ |
Risks | High ❌ | Low ✅ |
Chemical Dumping to the Sea | 1.5 m³ ❌ | ZERO ✅ |
Carbon Emission | 26.1 t ❌ | ZERO ✅ |
Adoption to Autonomous | Not Possible ❌ | Possible ✅ |
Fresh Water Consumption | 55 tons ❌ | ZERO ✅ |
Calculation made for 20 tanks standard grade, marine line 20000 dwt vessel |
Cargo loading in Covertainer Bag so tank not contaminated with cargo. If Covertainer bag is used for the same cargo, then the bag also does not need to be washed.
If you transport 1000mt sunflower oil then approximately 130mt Container tare weight is required. Covertainer tare weight is only 20mt for 1000mt sunflower oil.
If a vessel performs tank washings, it is not possible to adapt to the autonomous system. With Covertainer system, vessels easily adapt to the autonomous system.
We are developing Covertainer and its unique cargo operation concept
Dear Readers;
I’m Oceangoing Chemical Tanker Captain Guner Kara. I and My Team mates have been, working and developing for two years on a project which is eliminating Chemical Tankers’ cargo tank washing operations. We are trying to reach Washing-free transportation.
I’m preparing an article to increase maturity of this project. You can see below some parts of my article.
After completion of the discharge, 75lt chemical cargo may remain in chemical tanker cargo tank as per Marpol rules.*
*Marpol Annex II / Regulation 12 Pumping, piping, unloading arrangements and slop tanks / Page 21
This chemical residue, discharged into the sea via ship’s underwater discharge line, at 12 NM from shore, 7knt under speed and more than 25meters depth of the sea.**
**Marpol Regulation 13 / Control of discharges of residues of Noxious Liquid Substances / Page 23
If this vessel has 20 pieces cargo tanks, 1.5 ton chemical cargo residue will be disposed into the sea. If this vessel performs 10 voyages per year, 15 tons chemical disposes in to the sea while tank washings annually.
Around the world, if we consider 10.000 pieces vessel perform same operation, approximately 150.000 tons chemical are disposed into the sea annually.
Styrene monomer and vinyl monomer is the base of plastic. These are used for PVC, glue and plastic paint production. These are carried in liquid form in chemical tankers and, if mixed with salty sea water, it turns to mucus form. One of the biggest sources of micro plastics in the seas is present transportation system.
- Like Phenol, Acrylonitrile cargoes are cancerogenic and highly dangerous for human health. All cargoes’ residues which we counted above discharged into the sea during cargo tank washings after unloading. All them of are common cargoes in world transportation.
The cargoes which stated as “Chemical” and Dischargeable cargoes in to the sea listed in IBC Code Chapter17.****. ****MEPC 64/23/Add.1Annex 12, page 2 / MEPC 64/WP.12 Chapter 17 of the IBC Code
Even the Ship performs washing operation with more than 7 knots; the chemical residue continues to keep its position and is not splitting. Fish and other sea life have to swim in a chemical pool. Some parts of the discharged chemical evaporates by air temperature while remain chemical residue fall down timely to the bottom of the sea due to its heavier density and become reason of diminishing the oxygen level of the sea bottom.
Around the world today more than 80.000 vessels exist at 5000DWT and more scale and approximately 20% of them are Chemical Tankers.
Even if we become success on our project, maybe we can handle 10 or may be 20 different cargoes till 2030. Unfortunately there is almost 1000 different cargo existing in IBC Code and we are discharging them all.
Shortly, I wish this project had begun in 2000s and it looks like unfortunately we already missed the train. I’m not sure can we reach to all cargoes till 2040, till 2050.
But we must take attention of the people for this situation.
I would like to thank to Prof Dr Ozcan Arslan (ITU), Prof Dr Leyla Tavacioglu (ITU), Prof Dr Rafet Emek Kurt(Strathclyde, UK), Dr Cagri Unal (DEHUKAM) who support my article preparation.
Best Regards
Capt. Guner Kara
Covertainer Project Documented
Patent Application
First Image
First Tarpaulin Prototype
TIM-TEB and Sabanci Arf Acceleration Programs
2nd prize in the 100th anniversary project competition
Partnership with Sabancı Arf
First Animated Video
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Devamını OkuAntalya Office Address : Öğretmenevleri, 910. Sk. No:11, 07040 Konyaaltı/Antalya
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